The7 主题是迄今为止市场上可定制性最高的WordPress、Elementor 和 WooCommerce 主题。它为您提供其他主题无法比拟的创作自由。该版本最新内容更新如下:
确保与 WooCommerce 8.0.x 和 WPBakery Page Builder 7.0.x 兼容。
1. 改进了 The7 Image 小部件中的动画:
– 叠加层内的动画每次都会被触发(而不是仅触发一次);
– 叠加淡入和淡出时间的单独设置;
– 向前和向后图像变换的单独定时设置。
2. 当导入单个页面并且“主菜单”不存在时,将显示下一个现有菜单(而不是所有页面)。
3. 添加了一个选项来禁用帖子分类小部件中的链接。
1. 将“The7 Icons”集成到 Accordion WPB 短代码中。
4. 确保 WooCommerce 产品在循环小部件内正常运行,特别是类别和过滤器中的当前查询。
6. 纠正了 The7 小部件尽管隐藏在 WooCommerce 设置中但仍显示变体的问题。
Ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 8.0.x and WPBakery Page Builder 7.0.x.
1. Improved animations in The7 Image widget:
– animations inside the overlay are being triggered every time (as opposed to only once);
– separate settings for overlay fade-in and fade-out timings;
– separate timing settings for forward and backward image transform.
2. When importing a single page and the \”main menu\” does not exist, the next existing menu will be displayed (as opposed to all pages).
3. Added an option to disable links in the Post taxonomies widget.
Bug Fixes:
1. Integrated \”The7 Icons\” into the Accordion WPB shortcode.
2. Fixed an issue where \”Add to cart\” doesn\'t work for variable products after the theme update.
3. Resolved the problem where \”Exclude by term\” doesn\'t work in the Products Category.
4. Ensures the functioning of WooCommerce products inside loop widgets, particularly the current query in categories and filters.
5. Fixed the bullets navigation problem when two Sliders are present on a page.
6. Corrected the issue where The7 widgets display variations despite being hidden in WooCommerce settings.