Dokan Pro v3.8.3 中文版终极多供应商市场解决方案WordPress插件


Dokan Pro 电子商务解决方案,WordPress 金额的在线市场自行管理插件。Dokan Multivendor 的高品质直观布局和界面让初学者也能轻松上手。该插件版本最新内容更新如下:

Dokan 变更日志:2023 年 9 月 13 日
修复:[预订/附加组件] 修复了“添加新预订”页面中未加载产品附加组件部分的问题。
修复:[VendorVerification] 修复了如果 ID 验证、地址验证或公司验证之一未验证,则短信验证和社交验证不会出现在单个商店页面上的 Dokan:验证小部件中的问题
修复:将哈希算法从 md5 更新为 sha256,以提高 Cookie 存储的安全性,还在哈希计算中包含序列化数据以确保数据完整性。
修复:修复了如果用户仅更新 Dokan Pro 时提现页面上的致命错误。 这是由于 Dokan Pro 上使用的挂钩不兼容造成的。
修复:[提款] 修复了 {amount} 占位符不适用于 Dokan 新提款请求电子邮件模板的问题。
修复:[ShippingStatus] 修复了 {title} & 的问题。 {message} 占位符不适用于客户电子邮件模板的运送状态通知
修复:[地理位置] 修复了如果地图半径设置为零,则商店列表位置过滤不起作用的问题。
修复:[DeliveryTime] 修复了如果供应商从供应商仪表板 → 订单详细信息页面更改交货时间信息,则不会触发电子邮件的问题。现在,客户将收到供应商更改的通知。
修复:[StripeExpress] 修复了购买供应商订阅产品时出现的“无此类客户”错误的问题
修复:[StripeExpress] 修复了使用 Stripe Express 购买供应商订阅产品时应用折扣代码时的初始付款和定期付款金额。
修复:[SocialLogin]修复了由于PHP-JWT库的composer包版本不一致导致Apple SSO无法工作的问题
修复:修复了将 Elementor Pro 的“我的帐户小部件”与 Dokan Pro 一起使用时的致命错误
在此更新之前,当使用 Elementor Pro 的“我的帐户”小部件通过 Dokan Pro 插件渲染“我的帐户”页面时,某些情况会触发 PHP 错误异常。 通过最新的更新,所有场景都已得到解决,确保不会遇到 PHP 错误异常。
修复 [Booking] 修复了即使在 Dokan 设置中将产品状态设置为待审核,仍会直接发布 Booking 产品的问题。
修复:修复了复制产品绕过管理仪表板 → Dokan → 设置 → 销售选项下的产品状态设置的问题
修复:[VendorSubscription] 修复了批量发布产品根据管理员的产品状态设置将已发布产品更改为待处理的问题
修复:存在一些基于管理员“发布产品”设置和供应商的“直接发布产品”功能的问题。 我们已经测试了所有场景并在必要时提供修复。

更新:[预订] 从供应商仪表板预订产品列表页面中删除了不必要的产品类型过滤器。
更新:[ColorSchemeCustomizer] 集成配色方案定制器支持移动视图的供应商仪表板汉堡菜单背景。
更新:[预订] 使供应商仪表板添加资源部分的行为与后端(WordPress 管理员 → 添加新的预订产品)添加资源部分一致。
更新:[VendorStaff] 修复了供应商员工模块的电子邮件模板的一些问题
更新:从管理仪表板 → Dokan → 设置 → 销售选项中删除了设置“已编辑的产品状态”并将“新产品状态”重命名为“产品状态”。
以前,创建新产品或更新产品后,产品状态有两种不同的设置:新产品状态和已编辑产品状态。 但是,在最新更新中,已删除“已编辑产品状态”设置,并且“新产品状态”设置已重命名为“产品状态”。 此单一设置将应用于新产品和编辑过的产品。 值得注意的是,供应商的直接发布产品功能将像往常一样优先。
更新:从管理仪表板 → Dokan → 设置 → 销售选项中删除了“产品邮件通知”设置。
以前,即使禁用“产品邮件通知”设置,该设置也无法正常工作。 由于 Dokan 新产品和 Dokan 新待定产品电子邮件已包含启用/禁用功能,因此此设置是多余的。
Dokan Changelog:Sep 13, 2023
fix: [Booking/AddOns] Fixed an issue where product Add-ons section wasn\'t loading uder Add New Booking page.
fix: [VendorVerification] Fixed an issue where the SMS Verification and Social Verification does not appear in the Dokan: Verification widget on the single store page if either one among ID Verification, Address Verification, or Company Verification is not verified
fix: Update hash algorithm from md5 to sha256 for improved security for Cookies storage, also included serialized data in hash calculation to ensure data integrity.
fix: Fixed a fatal error on withdraw page if user updated only Dokan Pro. This was due to a hook incompatibility used on Dokan Pro.
fix: [Withdraw] Fixed an issue where the {amount} placeholder is not working for the Dokan New Withdraw Request email template.
fix: Fixed an issue where Date-Range selection calendar under vendor dashboar were broken on various themes.
fix: [VendorSubscription] Fixed an issue where vendor subscription product can be assigned to any vendor.
With this fix, while creating a subscription product, the vendor section will be hidden.
fix: Fixed an issue where the \”Become A Wholesale Customer\” feature gets removed by removing the \”Become A Vendor\” feature via hook.
fix: [ShippingStatus] Fixed an issue where {title} & {message} placeholders do not work for the Shipping Status Notification for Customer email template
fix: [VendorSubscription] Fixed an issue where Dokan Vendor Subscription Product can not be purchased if admin enables catalog mode feature.
fix: [Geolocation] Fixed an issue where store listing location filtering wasn\'t working if map radius is set to zero.
fix: [DeliveryTime] Fixed an issue wehre email was not triggered if the vendor changes delivery time information from Vendor Dashboard → Order details page.Now customers will be notified about the changes by vendor.
fix: [StripeExpress] Fixed an issue \'no such customer\' error while purchasing a vendor subscription product
fix: [StripeExpress] Fixed an issue where vendor subscription product can\'t be purchased with discounted amount if Coupon code is applied to the cart.
fix: [StripeExpress] Fixed initial payment and recurring payment amount if discount code is applied while purchasing a vendor subscription product using Stripe Express.
fix: [SocialLogin] Fixed an issue where Apple SSO wasn\'t working due to the composer package version inconsistency of PHP-JWT library
fix: Fixed a fatal error when using Elementor Pro\'s My Account Widget with Dokan Pro
Before this update, when using Elementor Pro\'s My Account widget to render the My Account page with the Dokan Pro plugin, certain circumstances triggered a PHP error exception. With the latest update, all scenarios have been addressed, ensuring that no PHP error exceptions are encountered.
fix [Booking] Fixed an issue where the Booking product is published directly, even though the product status is set to pending review from the Dokan settings.
fix: Fixed an issue where duplicating a product bypasses the Product Status setting under the Admin Dashboard → Dokan → Settings → Selling Options
fix: [VendorSubscription] Fixed in issue where bulk publishing product changing published product to pending based on Admin\'s Product Status setting
fix: There were couple of issues based on the admin `Publish Product` Settings and Vendor\'s `Publish Product Directly` capabilities. We\'ve tested all the scenarios and provided fix if necessary.

update: [Booking] Removed unnecessary product type filter from Vendor Dashboard Booking product list page.
update: [ColorSchemeCustomizer] Integrated Color Scheme Customizer support for Vendor Dashboard hamburger menu background for mobile view.
update: [Booking] Made Vendor dashboard add resources section behaviour consistent with backend (WordPress Admin → Add New Booking Product) add resource section.
update: [Auction] Added Product Advertisement feature support for Auction products
update: [Booking] Added Product Advertisement feature support for Bookable products
update: [VendorStaff] Fixed some issue with email templates for vendor staff module
update: Removed the setting `Edited Product Status` and renamed `New Product Status` to `Product Status` from Admin Dashboard → Dokan → Settings → Selling Options.
Previously, there were two different settings for the product status after creating a new product or updating a product: New Product Status and Edited Product Status. However, with the latest update, the Edited Product Status setting has been removed and the New Product Status setting has been renamed to Product Status. This single setting will be applied for both new and edited products. It\'s important to note that the Publish Product Directly capability for vendors will take priority as usual.
update: Removed `Product Mail Notification` setting from Admin Dashboard → Dokan → Settings → Selling Options.
Previously, the `Product Mail Notification` setting wasn\'t working even though the setting was disabled. Since Dokan New Product and Dokan New Pending Product email already include the enable/disable feature, this setting is redundant.
update: Added a button to reset filter options on the product list page under the vendor dashboard.

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