phpAnalytics 系统是注重隐私的网络分析软件,提供有关流量来源、位置和访问者使用的技术的实时报告。极其轻量级的跟踪代码,可实时监控网站的访问者,无需存储任何个人信息、cookie 或指纹。该系统版本最新内容更新如下:
- 添加了新的身份验证系统:谷歌帐户
- 添加了新的身份验证系统:Microsoft帐户
- 添加了新的身份验证系统:Apple帐户
- 添加了新的Captcha驱动程序:hCaptcha
- 增加了新的Captcha驱动程序:旋转栅门
- 添加了新的社交档案页脚链接:LinkedIn
- 添加了新的社交档案页脚链接:GitHub
- 添加了新的社交档案页脚链接:Discord
- 添加了新的社交档案页脚链接:Reddit
- 添加了新的社交档案页脚链接:线程
- 添加了新的社交档案页脚链接:TikTok
- 添加了新的社交档案页脚链接:汤博乐
- 添加了新的社交档案页脚链接:Pinterest
- 添加了管理员以用户身份登录的功能
- 在主页上添加了新的英雄部分
- 改进了代码库(代码重构)
- 改进了用户在外部链接上导航时的隐私
- 改进的SEO(顺序标题、锚点描述、图像描述)
- 改进了可访问性(页脚元素现在具有用于屏幕阅读器的描述性文本)
- 改进了主页上的功能部分
- 将所有依赖项更新为其最新版本
- 修正了“帐户计划”页面上的使用编号未格式化的问题
- 固定当前日期时间引用在页面加载中可能不相同
- 修复了某些日期范围统计数据选择中缺少二月的问题
- 修正了账户下的计划部分不包括创建的网站数量
- 其他小改进
- Added new Authentication system: Google Account
- Added new Authentication system: Microsoft Account
- Added new Authentication system: Apple Account
- Added new Captcha driver: hCaptcha
- Added new Captcha driver: Turnstile
- Added new social profile footer link: LinkedIn
- Added new social profile footer link: GitHub
- Added new social profile footer link: Discord
- Added new social profile footer link: Reddit
- Added new social profile footer link: Threads
- Added new social profile footer link: TikTok
- Added new social profile footer link: Tumblr
- Added new social profile footer link: Pinterest
- Added the ability for the Admin to Login as User
- Added new hero section on the Home page
- Improved the codebase (code refactoring)
- Improved user\'s privacy when navigating on external links
- Improved SEO (sequential headings, anchor descriptions, image descriptions)
- Improved accessibility (footer elements now have descriptive text for screen readers)
- Improved the Features section on the Home page
- Updated all the dependencies to their latest versions
- Fixed the usage number on Account Plan page not being formatted
- Fixed current date time references potentially not being the same across a page load
- Fixed month February missing in certain date range stats selections
- Fixed the Plan section under Account not including the number of Websites created
- Other minor improvements