Formidable Forms是一个功能强大的WordPress表单插件,可以快速将您的表单转变为数据驱动的应用程序。无论是构建简单的联系表单还是复杂的多页表单,您都可以使用文件上传、条件逻辑和计算等功能。此外,您还可以通过视图和图表来展示收集到的数据。使用Formidable Forms,您将获得更多,不仅仅是WordPress表单。该插件版本最新内容更新如下:
Formidable Forms Pro:2023年12月12日
- 新增:样式设置现在包括滑块圆大小和轨迹高度的选项
- 新增:[if created_at]和[if updated_at]条件短代码现在可以与updated_at和created_at魔术比较值进行比较,如[if updated-at greater_than=“created_at”]此条目已更新。[/if updated_at]
- 新增:当使用[if x等于=“Option Value”]条件快捷代码将字段与图像选项匹配时,以前需要show=“Value”选项。现在,它会自动包含在内,以便于使用
- 新增:当从字段值创建post操作时,post内容中将转义短代码
- 新增:动态列表字段现在将自动为其显示值拉取分隔的选项标签。这可以使用新的frm_should_dynamic_field_use_option_label过滤器恢复到以前的行为
- 新增:动态列表字段现在支持show=“label”短代码选项
- 新增:名称字段现在可用于文本计算,包括对show=first和show=last选项的支持
- 新增:条件逻辑现在支持以比较选项开始和以比较选项结束
- 修正:除非有CAPTCHA字段,否则在进行编辑时将不再强制AJAX提交。先前的更新阻止了在位编辑后重新加载视图,除非必要,否则已恢复
- 修复:与Beaver Builder插件的Ultimate插件的Modal Popup模块发生冲突将导致只保存第一个和最后一个中继器行
- 修正:当查看设置了默认值的字段时,查找字段不会在加载时进行查找
- 修复:在查找Name字段的值时,条件逻辑不起作用
- 在条目列表中搜索重复字段或嵌入字段的选项已暂时恢复,因为它引入了问题。在条目列表页面上计算重复条目,并且切换页面会触发致命错误
- New: Style settings now include options for Slider circle size and track height.
- New: [if created_at] and [if updated_at] conditional shortcodes can now be compared against updated_at and created_at magic compare values, like [if updated_at greater_than=\”created_at\”]This entry has been updated.[/if updated_at].
- New: When using [if x equals=\”Option Value\”] conditional shortcodes to match a field with image options, it would previously require the show=\”value\” option. This is now included automatically to make it easier to use.
- New: Shortcodes will now be escaped in post content when creating a post action from a field value.
- New: Dynamic list fields will now pull the separated option label for its display value automatically. This can be reverted to the previous behaviour using a new frm_should_dynamic_field_use_option_label filter.
- New: Dynamic list fields now support a show=\”label\” shortcode option.
- New: Name fields now work in text calculations, including support for show=first and show=last options.
- New: Conditional logic now supports starts with and ends with comparison options.
- Fix: AJAX submit will no longer be forced when editing in place unless there are CAPTCHA fields. The previous update prevented views from reloading after editing in-place and has been reverted unless necessary.
- Fix: A conflict with the Modal Popup module of the Ultimate add ons for Beaver Builder plugin would cause only the first and last repeater rows to save.
- Fix: A lookup field wouldn\'t do a lookup on load when watching a field with a default value set.
- Fix: Conditional logic would not work when looking for the value of a Name field.
- The option to search the entries list for repeated or embedded fields has been temporarily reverted because it introduced issues. Repeated entries were being counted on entries list pages, and switching pages was triggering fatal errors.
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