Masterstudy Education 学习管理系统 (LMS) 的教育 WordPress 主题专门设计为您的教育业务的完美解决方案!Masterstudy Education WordPress 学习管理系统 (LMS) 主题由 MasterStudy Pro 插件提供支持。当前最新版本更新,文末点击下载:
- 更新:MasterStudy LMS Pro插件已更新至v4.3.0
- 更新:MasterStudy LMS免费插件已更新至v3.1.19
- 更新:添加了一项新功能,可在作业中录制视频和音频
- 更新:添加了一项新功能,为通过或失败的分配添加表情符号
- 更新:在分配插件设置中添加了一个新设置以启用文件上传
- 更新:改进了管理面板中作业和讲师帐户的仪表板
- 已修复:主页;重新插入课程块时无法工作
- Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.0.
- Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.19.
- Update: Added a new feature to make video and audio recordings in Assignments.
- Update: Added a new feature to add emojis for the passed or failed assignments.
- Update: Added a new setting to enable file uploads in the Assignment addon settings.
- Update: Improved the dashboard for the assignments in the admin panel and for the Instructor account.
- Fixed: The Home page doesn't work when reinserting the Course block.