Masterstudy Education 学习管理系统 (LMS) 的教育 WordPress 主题专门设计为您的教育业务的完美解决方案!Masterstudy Education WordPress 学习管理系统 (LMS) 主题由 MasterStudy Pro 插件提供支持。当前最新版本更新,文末点击下载:
- 更新:MasterStudy LMS Pro插件已更新至4.3.1版
- 更新:MasterStudy LMS免费插件已更新至v3.1.23
- 更新:MasterStudy Elementor Widgets更新至v1.2.2
- 更新:STM配置更新到v4.6.7
- 已修复:Elementor窗口小部件的LMS图标框和LMS图标按钮不显示SVG
- 已修复:如果在页面设置中启用“透明页眉”,则当“顶栏”关闭时,页眉将不透明
- 已修复:启用粘性透明页眉时,如果稍微滚动一点,页面顶部会出现一个大的白色缩进
- 已修复:如果用户打开透明和粘性标头,其内容和标头将与客户端合并
- Update: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v4.3.1.
- Update: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v3.1.23.
- Update: MasterStudy Elementor Widgets is updated to v1.2.2.
- Update: STM Configurations is updated to v4.6.7.
- Fixed: The LMS Icon Box and LMS Icon Button of Elementor widgets do not display SVG.
- Fixed: If the Transparent Header is enabled in page settings, the header will not be transparent when the Top Bar is off.
- Fixed: When Sticky Transparent Header is enabled, a large white indent appears at the top of the page if you scroll a bit.
- Fixed: If a user turns on the Transparent and Sticky header, his content and header will merge with the client.
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