Formidable Forms是一个功能强大的WordPress表单插件,可以快速将您的表单转变为数据驱动的应用程序。无论是构建简单的联系表单还是复杂的多页表单,您都可以使用文件上传、条件逻辑和计算等功能。此外,您还可以通过视图和图表来展示收集到的数据。使用Formidable Forms,您将获得更多,不仅仅是WordPress表单。该插件版本最新内容更新如下:
Formidable Forms Pro:2024年1月25日
- 新增:仪表板登录页将包括一个新的每周提交报告
- 新增:自动完成下拉菜单不再使用Chosen。下拉库已替换为Slim Select。这意味着自动完成现在可以在移动设备上运行。如果您需要切换回Chosen,可以使用add_filter(\'frm_use_Chosen_js\',\'__return_true\');切换回;。添加此过滤器后,您还需要确保重新生成生成的CSS和JavaScript文件
- 新增:加载项页面现在包括停用和卸载加载项的按钮
- 新增:字段现在将按照使用[frm图]快捷代码时定义的顺序显示。例如,当使用[frm graph fields=“20,10”]时,字段ID 20将出现在字段ID 10之前,因为它首先在CSV中定义
- 新增:当Pro处于活动状态时,不会从表单输入中剥离额外的HTML标记,以更好地与富格文本字段兼容。这些附加标签包括h1-h6、blockquote、pre、code、hr、del和ins
- 新增:表单操作的条件逻辑现在支持大于或等于和小于或等于选项
- 新增:提交按钮条件逻辑现在支持以条件选项开始和结束的新功能
- 新增:嵌入字段现在可以用于后期操作
- 新增:嵌入字段现在可以用于Formidable Lite中包含的Stripe支付操作中的客户名称和地址选项
- 新增:使用表类型的[frm图]快捷方式现在与其他类型一样支持标题属性。这包括title_size、title_font、title_bold、title_italic和title_color
- 新增:当使用短代码显示动态字段值(如[8437 show=8438])的值时,如果目标字段使用具有分隔值的选项,则默认情况下将显示标签而不是值。如果需要,可以使用frm_should_dynamic_field_use_option_label过滤器恢复到以前的行为
- 新增:[if x]短代码,其中x是动态字段的ID,现在支持show=“ID”选项,用于按条目ID进行比较
- 修复:一些使用中继器中下拉字段值的文本计算不起作用
- 修复:当为显示选项为图像的单选框或复选框字段显示表单数据时,无特权用户提交的表单会剥离图像HTML
- 修复:在编辑条目时,禁用窗体自定义样式的选项不起作用
- 修复:在某些情况下,添加中继器行后,条件逻辑会中断
- 修复:在筛选日期范围时,报告页面上的平均值和中值筛选不正确
- 修复:短代码“sep”选项中使用的HTML标记在显示时从无特权用户提交的条目中被剥离
- 修复:在窗体生成器页面中,比例字段的窗体预览在退出时看起来不正确
- 修复:changedInput[0]未定义JavaScript类型错误已修复
- 修正:如果查找或产品字段显示为单选按钮,则如果这些字段位于不同的页面上,则计算将不起作用
- 修复:放置在节内的HTML字段描述中使用的h3标记将使用与节标签相同的样式
- 修复:根线元素的边距样式已经更新,以帮助避免与来自主题代码的列表样式冲突
- 添加新条目按钮已移动到编辑条目管理页面的侧边栏
- [if x]条件语句短代码中使用的not_like条件现在不区分大小写
Formidable Forms Pro:January 25, 2024
- New: The dashboard landing page will include a new weekly submissions report.
- New: Autocomplete dropdowns no longer use Chosen. The dropdown library has been replaced with Slim Select. This means that auto-complete now works on mobile devices. If you require to switch back to Chosen, you can switch back using add_filter( \'frm_use_chosen_js\', \'__return_true\' );. After adding this filter, you will also need to make sure to re-generate generated CSS and JavaScript files as well.
- New: The add-ons page now includes buttons to deactivate and uninstall add-ons.
- New: Fields will now appear in the order they are defined when using a [frm-graph] shortcode. For example, when using [frm-graph fields=\”20,10\”] field ID 20 will appear before field ID 10 because it it defined first in the CSV.
- New: Additional HTML tags will not be stripped from form input when Pro is active for better compatibility with rich text fields. These additional tags include h1-h6, blockquote, pre, code, hr, del, and ins.
- New: Conditional logic for form actions now support greater than or equal to and less than or equal to options.
- New: Submit button conditional logic now supports new starts with and ends with condition options.
- New: Embedded fields can now be used in Post actions.
- New: Embedded fields can now be used for customer name and address options in Stripe payment actions included in Formidable Lite.
- New: [frm-graph] shortcodes using the table type now support title attributes like the other types. This includes title_size, title_font, title_bold, title_italic, and title_color.
- New: When using shortcodes to display a value for a dynamic field value like [8437 show=8438], if the target field uses options with separated values, the label will now be displayed by default instead of the value. The frm_should_dynamic_field_use_option_label filter can be used to revert to the previous behaviour if desired.
- New: [if x] shortcodes where x is the ID of a dynamic field now support a show=\”id\” option for making comparisons by entry ID.
- Fix: Some text calculations using values from dropdown fields in repeaters were not working.
- Fix: When displaying form data for a radio or checkbox field that displays options as images, the image HTML would get stripped for form submissions from unprivileged users.
- Fix: The option to disable custom styling on a form was not working when editing an entry.
- Fix: In some cases, conditional logic was breaking after adding a repeater row.
- Fix: The average and median values on the reports page were not filtering properly when filtering for a date range.
- Fix: HTML tags used in shortcode \”sep\” options were getting stripped on display from entries submitted from unprivileged users.
- Fix: The form preview in the form builder page for scale fields did not look right when stepping down.
- Fix: A changedInput[0] is undefined JavaScript TypeError has been fixed.
- Fix: A calculation would not work for a look up or product field displayed as a radio button if the fields were on different pages.
- Fix: An h3 tag used in an HTML field description placed inside of a section would use the same styling as the section label.
- Fix: Margin styling has been updated for rootline elements to help avoid conflict with list styling coming from theme code.
- The add new entry button has been moved to the sidebar on the edit entry admin page.
- The not_like condition used in [if x] conditional statement shortcodes is now case-insensitive.
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