Smart Manager Pro插件使您无论您拥有 100 个产品商店还是 100,000 个产品商店,无论您管理数千个订单、优惠券或帖子,您都可以一次更新所有内容 – 快速轻松!该版本最新内容更新如下:
= 8.30.0 (02.02.2024) =
*新增:兼容WooCommerce 8.5.2
*新:WordPress 6.4.3兼容
= 8.30.0 (02.02.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.5.2 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.4.3 compatible
* Fix: WooCommerce Products \'Stock Status\' column doesn\'t update automatically with changes in the \'Backorders\' column
* Fix: Duplicate values in the \'Product categories\', and \'Exclude categories\' WooCommerce Coupons restrictions fields when updating using Bulk edit
* Update: POT file
最新中文版 点击下载 Smart Manager Pro 插件