WP Rocket 可以缩短您的加载时间、提高您的 PageSpeed 性能得分并优化您的 Core Web Vitals。为了使您的网站快速运行,WP Rocket 包含可以为您的网站带来直接好处的选项。这些选项应用了 80% 的 Web 性能最佳实践,因此您将立即受益于更好的加载时间!当前最新版本更新,文末点击下载:
- 修复错误:修复Contact Form 7增强版的一些兼容性问题(#6384)
- 错误修复:当CSS直接来自源代码中的PHP文件时,修复Lazy Load Background CSS Images功能的问题(#6389)
- 增强:在UI中仅显示Cloudflare凭据的最后4个字符(#3376)
- 增强:改进预加载功能的批次限制过滤器(#6394)
- 增强:删除插件时,确保删除WP Rocket的瞬态(#4943)
- 增强功能:在续订横幅上显示百分比而非价格(#6349)
- 第三方兼容性:使用多语言插件时,将“所有语言”按钮移到缓存清除列表的顶部(#6174)
Staggered release available for 15% of customers.
- Bugfix: Fix some compatibility problems with Contact Form 7 enhancement (#6384)
- Bugfix: Fix a problem with Lazy Load Background CSS Images feature when CSS is coming directly from PHP file in the source (#6389)
- Enhancement: Show only last 4 characters of the Cloudflare credentials in the UI (#3376)
- Enhancement: Improve the batch limit filter for the Preload feature (#6394)
- Enhancement: Make sure to remove WP Rocket’s transients when deleting the plugin (#4943)
- Enhancement: Show percentage instead of price on renewal banners (#6349)
- 3rd-party compatibility: Move “All Languages” button to the top of the cache clearing list when multilingual plugins are used (#6174)