phpRank是一款专业的 SEO 报告和网络工具软件旨在帮助提高网站的内容、质量和性能。该系统版本最新内容更新如下:
— 2024 年 2 月 20 日
- 添加了新的 SEO 报告测试:HTTP/2
- 添加了新的 SEO 报告测试:HTST
- 添加了新的 SEO 报告测试:DOCTYPE
- 添加了新工具:正常运行时间计算器
- 添加了新工具:元标签检查器
- 添加了新工具:HTTP 标头检查器
- 添加了新的身份验证系统:Google 帐户
- 添加了新的身份验证系统:Microsoft 帐户
- 添加了新的身份验证系统:Apple 帐户
- 添加了新的验证码驱动程序:hCaptcha
- 添加了新的验证码驱动程序:Turnstile
- 添加了新的社交资料页脚链接:LinkedIn、Github、Discord、Reddit、Threads、TikTok、Tumblr、Pinterest
- 添加了管理员以用户身份登录的功能
- 增加了管理员为访客用户启用有限报告的功能
- 增加了管理员从管理面板翻译页面的功能
- 增加了管理员在网站上强制使用 HTTPS 方案的功能(默认启用)
- 增加了管理员禁用联系表单的功能
- 增加了管理员在“联系方式”页面上显示联系电子邮件、电话和地址的功能
- 向 Account API 端点添加了用户首选项
- 向工具部分添加了类别过滤器
- 为每个工具添加了简短说明
- 改进了代码库(代码重构)
- 改进了用户在外部链接上导航时的隐私
- 改进了 SEO(连续标题、锚点描述、图像描述)
- 改进了辅助功能(页脚元素现在具有屏幕阅读器的描述性文本)
- 在获取网址时使用 HTTP/2 协议提高了抓取性能
- 将所有依赖项更新到最新版本
- 仅将版本控制系统更新到主要版本
- 修复了 UTM Builder Tool 结果生成不正确的参数名称
- 修复了 WHOIS 查找工具没有验证码保护的问题
- 修复了“帐户计划”页面上的使用编号未格式化的问题
- 修复了当前日期时间引用在页面加载过程中可能不相同的问题
- 修复了删除用户时报告不会被删除的问题
- 其他细微改进
— 20 February 2024
- Added new SEO report test: HTTP/2
- Added new SEO report test: HTST
- Added new SEO report test: DOCTYPE
- Added new Tool: Uptime Calculator
- Added new Tool: Meta Tags Checker
- Added new Tool: HTTP Headers Checker
- Added new Authentication system: Google Account
- Added new Authentication system: Microsoft Account
- Added new Authentication system: Apple Account
- Added new Captcha driver: hCaptcha
- Added new Captcha driver: Turnstile
- Added new social profile footer links: LinkedIn, Github, Discord, Reddit, Threads, TikTok, Tumblr, Pinterest
- Added the ability for the Admin to Login as User
- Added the ability for the Admin to enable limited Reports for Guest Users
- Added the ability for the Admin to translate Pages from the Admin Panel
- Added the ability for the Admin to force HTTPS scheme on the website (enabled by default)
- Added the ability for the Admin to disable the Contact form
- Added the ability for the Admin to display Contact Email, Phone, and Address on the Contact page
- Added User\'s Preferences to the Account API endpoint
- Added Category filters to Tools section
- Added a short description to every Tool
- Improved the codebase (code refactoring)
- Improved user\'s privacy when navigating on external links
- Improved SEO (sequential headings, anchor descriptions, image descriptions)
- Improved accessibility (footer elements now have descriptive text for screen readers)
- Improved the crawling performance by using the HTTP/2 protocol when fetching URLs
- Updated all the dependencies to their latest versions
- Updated the versioning system to major versions only
- Fixed the UTM Builder Tool result generating incorrect parameter names
- Fixed the WHOIS Lookup Tool not having Captcha protection
- Fixed the usage number on Account Plan page not being formatted
- Fixed current date time references potentially not being the same across a page load
- Fixed the Reports not being deleted when a User is deleted
- Other minor improvements