WordPress 的自动在线预订和日程安排:完全可定制的预订表格,包括在线支付、通知和 Google 日历同步。
Bookly Pro 附加组件启用 Bookly 在线约会安排插件的高级功能。使用 Bookly Pro,您可以删除免费版 Bookly WordPress 预订插件的所有限制。
查看当前 Bookly Pro 版本更新内容:
- 添加了对 Bookly 21.3 的支持
- 添加了与 Square Payments 的集成
- 在搜索和服务预订表单中添加了对 WooCommerce 集成的支持
- 在搜索和服务预订表单中添加了对 Bookly 自定义字段(附加组件)的支持
- 在搜索和服务预订表单中添加了对 Bookly Files(附加组件)的支持
- 解决了服务预订表单中的服务搜索问题
- 解决了更新约会时更改 Google Meet 在线会议 URL 的问题
- 解决了使用自定义服务创建定期约会的问题
- 修复了 RTL 语言现代预订表格的显示
- 更新了设置 Facebook 登录的说明
- Added support for Bookly 21.3
- Added integration with Square Payments
- Added support for WooCommerce integration in the Search and Services booking forms
- Added support for Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on) in the Search and Services booking forms
- Added support for Bookly Files (Add-on) in the Search and Services booking forms
- Fixed an issue with services search in the Services booking form
- Fixed an issue when Google Meet online meeting URL was changed when appointment was updated
- Fixed an issue with creating recurring appointment with custom service
- Fixed display of modern booking forms for RTL languages
- Updated instructions for setting up Facebook login