Formidable Forms是一个功能强大的WordPress表单插件,可以快速将您的表单转变为数据驱动的应用程序。无论是构建简单的联系表单还是复杂的多页表单,您都可以使用文件上传、条件逻辑和计算等功能。此外,您还可以通过视图和图表来展示收集到的数据。使用Formidable Forms,您将获得更多,不仅仅是WordPress表单。该插件版本最新内容更新如下:
Formidable Forms Pro:2023年11月30日
- 新增:屏幕阅读器文本已添加到标题徽标中,以提高管理页面的可访问性
- 新增:一些导致样式问题的边距已从文件上载字段中删除
- 新增:复选框组将不再在group元素上使用aria必需属性。这导致了axe DevTools和Google PageSpeed中的可访问性错误
- 新增:电子邮件字段现在有了新的自动完成设置,可以更容易地将自动完成=“电子邮件”添加到电子邮件字段中
- 新增:报告页面现在包括一个状态下拉列表,用于按状态筛选条目
- 新增:dropzone按钮现在包含一个标签,以提高可访问性
- 新增:现在可以为每个样式设置日期字段颜色的样式。以前,这仅限于默认样式
- 新增:单击“重新开始”按钮时,没有行的中继器将重置为单行
- 新增:您现在可以在条目列表管理页面中搜索嵌入字段和重复字段的值
- 修复:在HTML字段描述中不会处理[可怕]的短代码,并且在HTML字段自定义HTML中的短代码没有按预期处理
- 修复:当成功时只显示成功消息时,提交带有动态字段的表单后会记录JavaScript错误
- 修复:查看“名称”字段时,查找不起作用
- 修复:Safari浏览器中没有显示星级字段
- 修复:单击星号按钮后,单选按钮的其他输入不会被隐藏
- 修复:当设置了文件值时,Dropzone错误会在加载时立即清除
- 修复:更新嵌入表单中的字段后,过时的嵌入表单数据不会更新
- 修正:仅使用图标时,中继器中使用的添加/删除按钮不再更改悬停时的背景颜色
- 修复:在多页表单的页面之间切换时,中继器限制没有正确应用
- 修正:当使用AJAX提交被禁用时,就地编辑将不适用于带有reCAPTCHA字段的表单
- 修复:一些填充已从显示为图像的单选按钮中删除。这解决了选项出现偏离中心的问题
- 修复:点击星号后删除条目时,条目元没有被删除
- 修复:显示为图像的复选框选项在查看结果时不会显示为选中状态,因为复选框选项包含一个与字符
- 修复:当使用仅图标显示样式时,删除每个中继器行后,添加行按钮将不会出现
- 修复:一些文件上传字段会记录未定义的数组键“大小”警告
- 修复:HTML字段在中继器内部的条件逻辑中无法正常工作
- 修复:导入表单及其嵌入的子表单时,子表单将在导入完成后更新为父表单中的新子表单ID
- 修复:将另一个选项设置为默认值后,它将不会在字段设置中显示为选中
- 修正:当使用快捷代码中的You are missing选项时,星级评定字段显示值将显示为star_full文本。field_id是必需的。由于筛选问题,没有keepjs=1的短代码
- 函数FrmProEntry::get_view_results已被弃用
- 由于不兼容问题,复选框已作为帖子标题的选项删除
Formidable Forms Pro:November 30, 2023
- New: Screen reader text has been added to header logos for improved accessibility on admin pages.
- New: Some margins have been removed from file upload fields that were causing styling issues.
- New: Checkbox groups will no longer use an aria-required attribute on the group element. This was causing accessibility errors in axe DevTools and Google PageSpeed.
- New: Email fields now have a new autocomplete setting to make it easier to add autocomplete=\”email\” to an email field.
- New: The reports page now includes a status dropdown for filtering entries by status.
- New: The dropzone button now includes a label for improved accessibility.
- New: Date field colors can now be styled for every style. Previously this was limited to the default style only.
- New: A repeater with no rows will reset to a single row when the start over button is clicked.
- New: You can now search for values for embedded and repeated fields when searching from the entries list admin page.
- Fix: [formidable] shortcodes would not process in HTML field descriptions, and shortcodes in HTML field custom HTML were not processing as expected.
- Fix: A JavaScript error would get logged after submitting forms with dynamic fields when only a success message is shown on success.
- Fix: Look ups were not working when watching a Name field.
- Fix: Star rating fields were not appearing in Safari browsers.
- Fix: The Other input for radio buttons would not get hidden after clicking the star over button.
- Fix: Dropzone errors would get cleared immediately on load when there were file values set.
- Fix: Stale embedded form data wouldn\'t update after fields in an embedded form was updated.
- Fix: Add/remove buttons used in repeaters no longer change background color on hover when using icons only.
- Fix: The repeater limit was not getting applied properly when switching between pages in a multiple page form.
- Fix: Edit in-place would not work for a form with a reCAPTCHA field when submit with AJAX was disabled.
- Fix: Some padding has been removed from radio buttons displayed as images. This fixes issues with options appearing off-centre.
- Fix: Entry meta wasn\'t getting deleted when entries were deleting after clicking star over.
- Fix: Checkbox options displayed as images would not appear selected when viewing the result when the checkbox option included an ampersand character.
- Fix: The add row button would not appear after deleting every repeater row when using the icons only display style.
- Fix: An undefined array key \”size\” warning would get logged for some file upload fields.
- Fix: HTML fields were not properly working in conditional logic inside of repeaters.
- Fix: When importing a form and its embedded form child, the child form will now get updated to the new child form ID in the parent form after the import is complete.
- Fix: The other option would not appear selected in field settings after setting it as the default value.
- Fix: A star rating field display value would appear as star_full text when using You are missing options in your shortcode. field_id is required. shortcodes without the keepjs=1 because of a filtering issue.
- The function FrmProEntry::get_view_results has been deprecated.
- Checkboxes have been removed as an option for Post Titles due to incompatibility issues.