WordPress 搜索不会搜索所有内容,并且无法让您对搜索内容和搜索方式进行足够的控制。Relevanssi 为您提供完全访问和完全控制,并提供大量过滤器和方法,使 Relevanssi 按照您希望的搜索方式工作。该版本最新内容更新如下:
此版本有一项主要新功能。 之前 Relevanssi 使用自定义字段进行摘录时,自定义字段内容会添加到帖子内容的末尾,并且无法判断该内容来自哪个自定义字段。 现在,您可以使用自定义字段特定摘录,这些摘录使用各个自定义字段作为摘录的来源。 借助 Relevanssi Premium,可以在搜索结果模板上判断摘录内容来自哪个自定义字段。 例如,您可以表明内容来自附件。
此新功能不会自动启用,因为这种创建摘录的方法比基本方法稍慢。 如果您不需要这些信息或者不介意摘录内容的来源,最好使用旧方法。
- 新功能:Relevanssi 现在可以创建仅来自一个自定义字段的自定义字段特定摘录,并且知道该字段是哪个字段。
- 新功能:您可以在索引和摘录设置中查看已索引的自定义字段名称列表。
- 新功能:新的过滤器挂钩
,则过滤摘录自定义字段内容。 - 行为更改:
函数现在返回数组而不是字符串。 如果relevanssi_excerpt_specific_fields
关闭,则先前的字符串返回值将作为单项数组返回,字符串位于索引 0 中。如果设置打开,则数组键为字段名称。 - 高级版。 行为更改:
函数现在返回一个数组。 - 小修复:
短代码中类别下拉列表中的“none”值从 -1 更改为 0。 - 小修复:多站点安装期间的停用词填充使用了错误的数据库表,导致填充失败。
- 小修复:多站点安装已从
(优先级 10)移至wp_initialize_site
(优先级 200)以避免出现问题。 - 高级版。 小修复:通配符搜索现在适用于整个单词匹配,而不仅仅是部分匹配。
- 高级版。 小修复:古腾堡侧边栏翻译没有显示。 现在您应该能够看到正确语言的侧边栏。
您可以通过自动更新获取新版本。 高级版也可以在下载页面找到。
This version has one major new feature. Previously when Relevanssi used custom fields for excerpts, the custom field content was added to the end of the post content, and there was no way to tell which custom field the content was coming from. Now, you can use custom field specific excerpts which use individual custom fields as the source of the excerpt. With Relevanssi Premium, it’s possible to tell on the search results template which custom field the excerpted content is coming from. You can, for example, show that the content comes from the attachment.
This new feature isn’t automatically enabled because this method of creating excerpts is slightly slower than the basic method. If you don’t need this information or don’t mind where the excerpted content comes from, it’s better to use the old method.
- New feature: Relevanssi can now create custom field specific excerpts that come from one custom field only and know which field that is.
- New feature: You can see the indexed custom field names list in the indexing and excerpt settings.
- New feature: New filter hook
filters the excerpt custom field content ifrelevanssi_excerpt_specific_fields
is enabled. - Changed behaviour: The
function now returns an array instead of a string. Ifrelevanssi_excerpt_specific_fields
is off, the previous string return value is returned as a single-item array with the string in index 0. If the setting is on, the array keys are the field names. - Premium. Changed behaviour: The
function now returns an array. - Minor fix: The “none” value in category dropdowns from the
shortcode is changed from -1 to 0. - Minor fix: The stopword population during the multisite installation used the wrong database table, leading to failed population.
- Minor fix: Multisite installation is moved from
(priority 10) towp_initialize_site
(priority 200) in order to avoid trouble. - Premium. Minor fix: Wildcard search now works in whole word matching, not only in partial matching.
- Premium. Minor fix: The Gutenberg sidebar translations didn’t show up. Now you should be able to see the sidebar in the right language.
You can get the new version from the automatic updates. The Premium version can also be found on the Download page.
最新中文版 点击下载 Relevanssi Premium 插件