Formidable Forms是一个功能强大的WordPress表单插件,可以快速将您的表单转变为数据驱动的应用程序。无论是构建简单的联系表单还是复杂的多页表单,您都可以使用文件上传、条件逻辑和计算等功能。此外,您还可以通过视图和图表来展示收集到的数据。使用Formidable Forms,您将获得更多,不仅仅是WordPress表单。该插件版本最新内容更新如下:
Formidable Forms Pro:2023年11月6日
- 新增:报告页面上使用的数据库查询以及条目元的解码方式都得到了优化,减少了加载报告页面的时间
- 新增:现在报告页面上删除了超时限制,以避免在处理大量条目的数据时出现报告超时缓慢的问题
- 新增:当URL中没有筛选表单ID时,报表页面和新条目页面的样式已更新
- 修复:当URL中没有筛选表单ID时,JavaScript错误会记录在报告页面上
- 修复:一些意外的日期格式会导致表单提交时出现致命错误
- 修复:像-5小时这样的值在created_at_greater_than frm图形短代码选项中不起作用
- 修复:短代码会在HTML字段描述中处理两次
- 修正:一份表格的多份副本偶尔会复制到其他网站,而不是一份
Formidable Forms Pro:November 6, 2023
- New: A database query used on the reports page has been optimized, as well as the way entry metas are decoded, reducing the time for the reports page to load.
- New: The timeout limit is now removed on the reports page to avoid issues with slow reports timing out when processing data for a lot of entries.
- New: Styling has been updated for the reports page and new entry page when no form ID is filtered in the URL.
- Fix: A JavaScript error would get logged on the reports page when no form ID was being filtered in the URL.
- Fix: Some unexpected date formats would cause fatal errors on form submit.
- Fix: Values like -5 Hours would not work in a created_at_greater_than frm-graph shortcode option.
- Fix: Shortcodes would process twice in HTML field descriptions.
- Fix: Multiple copies of a form would occasionally copy to other sites instead of just a single copy.